Presenting Clyde: the Backslope Tools version of the McLeod
You’ve heard it, you’ve seen it, it’s the trail building favorite, the McLeod. Originally invented by Forest Service worker, Malcolm McLeod, in the early 1900’s, this tool has become a staple among many outdoor folks from trailbuilders to wildland firefighters to landscapers.
Backslope Tools Clyde
Next up, we have the Clyde from Backslope tools. Backslope Tools is a newcomer to the trail building space, and they’re taking a look at tools that are over 100 years old and innovating and improving them.
We are pretty stoked on the Clyde, as it has a ton of cool features that you don’t see on most standard McLeods. The Clyde is about 30% lighter than the average McLeod out there, so it’s a lot easier to pack in and out when you are going into remote areas with longer stretched of foot travel. This tool is 100% field repairable, so if the handle happens to break while you are out on a hitch, you can easily replace it on the go. That being said, the fiberglass handle is sturdy and comes in 48” and 54” for the taller folks.
The head has a couple islands on the front for a standard cable lock, so you don;t have to worry about the tool getting jacks from your truck or trailer as well as enabling you to lock to a tree for extra security on your project site. Like the Nupla McLeod, the Clyde has 6 tines with a square center tine, making it easy to stack. It had an eight inch cutting head on the otherside.
Backslope Tools Clyde Mini
Ahh the Mini Clyde! For those projects where you like to dig around in the dirt, this miniature version of the McLeod comes with all of our favorite features of the its bigger brother, but in a pint sized package. The Clyde Mini has a 24” handle length, but still has the same size head as the Clyde. It’s good for those projects where you won’t need to move a lot of dirt, at least not with a McLeod type tool, or for those projects where you have limited space.
It’s size and weight makes it easy to transport in the field, making it a must have for any trailbuilder. And like the large version of the Clyde, it is fully field repairable, in case you’re just a little rough on your tools. (We’re impressed!)